The Agency meets with the public

On Thursday, 21 February 2020 the BCMDA hosted two public engagements for the Water World Fun Park development in ward 46 and Court Crescent Development in ward 47. The purpose of the engagements was to introduce the appointed contractors for the two Agency’s flagship projects and to inform the public about various packages from these developments. These packages include: 

  • Short term employment opportunities
  • Small Businesses packages

Ward councillors for both wards were present assuring the citizens of their benefit from the projects. Citizens gave a positive feedback to the Agency about these developments expressing how this may change and improve the standards of Buffalo City Metro. During the engagements, the citizens were granted fair and equal opportunities to ask questions/ make comments and one community member said “ We are grateful to the Agency for these projects they will alleviate poverty here and there, thank you for considering and informing us to participate and ensuring that people from both wards will benefit from the projects in terms of employment.”